Copyright and Disclaimer
The images referenced, made accessible or made available to you on these pages are protected by the copyright and trademark laws of the United States and other countries. All images on this site are used for the sole purpose as Okatering Company stores, business cards past, present and future and food service messages. If any image appears to infringe upon your copyrights, it is unintentional please let us know and we will removed them immediately.
Our testimony: A shout out to Vista Print
"We have been pleased with the business cards we have ordered from Vista Print. Visit them for your needs"
Recipes and tips have been contributed or exist in public domain. We do not claim to be the author of recipes and tips, nor have we tried all of them. To our knowledge none of these are copyrighted material and we are not responsible for the content. If any recipe or tip appears in a copyrighted , please let us know and we will remove it.